Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pop Culture and the influence on children

1. "A child learns and absorbs all the information around them on a daily basis thus helping them to formulate their own ideals, opinions, and outlook on life.... If these children are overly exposed to pop culture media such as television or movies, some part of their newly formed identity will be based on this medium. "

2. "American children spend an average of 4 hours of television a day, 28 hours per week watching TV; by age 18 they have watched 22,000 hours of TV - more time than they ever spent in the classroom." (Jason)

3. "Sex, drugs and crime are three main topics parents should be made aware of. Sex is prominent in most forms of entertainment. Media no longer has harsh stipulations on what is acceptable or not. In the 1950's parents on television had separate beds. Today, you can watch almost any prime time show and find some form of sex be it innuendos, the physical act or discussion about it."

4. "Pop culture is so ingrained into our society that it's almost impossible not be influenced by it. This is especially true for the youth of America today. With easier access, quicker results, and uninformed parents, children are exposed to a tremendous amount of information fed to them by the pop culture world. This influences and shapes the identities of our children."

5. "While environment is not the only means to forming an identity, it is one of the more significant, well researched, and documented influences responsible for identity in the early stages of life. (Anderson)"

Nixon, Jenn. "Popular Culture's Influence on Children's Identity." Associated Content. 1 June 2006. 4 Dec. 2008 .

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