Thursday, December 4, 2008

Facts On Books

1) Women and females in general are often portrayed in a negative and biased manner in children's books.
2) In a 30 year old study done on Caldecott Medal Award medal books, researchers found that "males had higher occupation roles than females and overall males appeared 11 more times often than females in the central role, as the main character or even in the title.
3) Illustrated books especially influence gender development for children.
4) Stereotypes hinder the accomplishments and choices of children and limits them to what society thinks is correct.
5) Men and women need to be displayed equally as human beings and some progress has been made in childrens' books of today.

Source:Gooden, Angela, Mark Gooden. "Gender Representation in Notable Children's Picture Books: 1995-1999. Sex Roles. 45.1/2 (2001): 89-101

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