Friday, December 5, 2008

The effect of Celebrity Tabloid Magazines on Adolescents

*Americans fuel the gossip in Celebrity Tabloid Magazines by continually buying them
~creates more negative influence on media coverage of celebrities and their lives
*"Celebrity Culture"

*Celebrity Obsession
~Readers and viewers of the "Celebrity Culture" want to eat, read, buy, wear, have the same hobbies, and essentially attempt to live the way celebrities constantly slammed on the covers and in Celebrity Tabloids live theirs.
*Paparazzi have fueled and made this nation dominated by celebrities
~Paparazzi receive huge sums of money for taking shots of certain celebrities to be put in Celebrity Tabloid Magazines.

*Media has one of the largest influences on the masses of people
~increased substantially over the past couple of decades, focusing on celebrities
*Gives celebrities more power to influence the masses of people

*Readers of these magazines look up to the celebrities the magazines are focusing on
~Celebrities set the standard and ideal for "perfect" and "beautiful"
*Causes many young girls, adolescents, and even young women to try and fit into that standard
~Potentially harmful to fit into these unrealistic figures in the media.
~Potentially lower adolescents self-esteem, causing them to become self destructive, and even cause mental health problem or eating disorders.

*"American Dream" Anyone can succeed in America and live up to these celebrity standards, when in reality it's extremely hard to become as successful as many celebrities, and half of their beauty is made up by makeup, botox, plastic surgery, or Photoshopped or airbrushed.

*Celebrities sell themselves for the "face" of products, also in tabloids
~Readers are forced to see the image over and over again, making them think they want to buy the product because this celebrity is endorsing it AND it is ingrained in their minds that this is what's supposed to be beautiful

J, Bridget . Are the Values Promoted By Celbrity Tabloids Harmful. Riverdale: Exhibition Template , 2005. 23 Nov. 2008 .

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