Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Effect of Movies on Children

* 8 year olds will catch three out of every five things that the parents see. This means, for example, that if there are 20 murder scenes, then the child will remember 12 of them.

* Following was found to be true about the movie watchers: had lower conduct grades, did poorer school work, rated lower in reputation by their teachers, rated lower by their classmates, were less cooperative, were more deceptive, were less skillful in judging right from wrong, and were slightly less emotionally stable.

* The most important thing learned in this study is the establishment of the fact that the attitude of children toward a social value can be measurably changed by one exposure to a picture.

* Scenes of danger, conflict, or tragedy produce the greatest effect on children from ages 6 to 12 years.

* When a child goes to a movie, it is as disturbing to sleep patterns as sitting up until midnight, or having two cups of coffee.

Simons, Wendy. "The Payne Fund Studies". Motion Picture Research Council. 12/3/08

Posted by John Sheick

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